Getting the smell of burnt cookies out with the ventilation system

Getting the smell of burnt cookies out with the ventilation system

My least favorite holiday is coming up soon.

This holiday might be Valentine’s day.

I have never really been a big fan of it. I still enjoy it because it is a holiday though. My boyfriend wants to do something special and I really do not care to do anything much. He wants to get me something but I am not sure what I want to get him. He will be coming to my house. Maybe I could surprise him with something. I think I will bake his favorite cookies. I made a batch of them first. I have always made these cookies. I make them often so this is very easy for me to do. I put the first batch in and set the timer. I do not know how it happened but they ended up burning completely. I did not know what went wrong. I did realize though that these cookies do not smell very good burnt. I turned on the ventilation system as quickly as I could. I wanted to get this smell out quick. It was not good. I made another batch hoping it would be better. It turned out that this batch also burned. The smell was getting stronger. I stopped making cookies. I left the ventilation system on for awhile. Finally the cookie smell had left. I have a great ventilation system. Once the smell was gone, I made another batch and watched them very closely. They were not going to burn this time. They did not burn. Thankfully I did not need the ventilation system this time around.

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