I am a single mom.
I worry about my children a lot.
I worry when they are not household on time. I worry about them playing activitys. There is just one thing I want and that is to control them. I want to tell them what to do. That way, I could never worry as a mother. I would constantly know what they are doing. It would be great. I also worry every time our boiler stops working. This has been happening a lot lately it seems. Our boiler might be getting older. I hope it is time for a upgradement soon. I would prefer that for a couple of reasons. One reason is that I would not have to worry about it. I would not have to worry about it because when it breaks it could leak fumes into the home. I have a gas boiler. Occasionally when gas boilers chop down, they leak gas fumes into your home. It is constantly best to have a carbon monoxide detector in your household for this. We have one in our household and luckily it has never gone off. This is why I worry when it does not toil officially. I scared it could be other gases. I am scared it might be affecting us. I do not want to upgrade it though until I really need too. ANother reason I want to upgrade it is because it is not efficient. It does not cost as much as an electric boiler. It is not as efficient as an electric boiler though. The heat tends to feel spotty and we pay a little extra on our bi-weekly bills each month.