Ice skating & having a nice place to warm up from the cold

Ice skating & having a nice place to warm up from the cold

Recently my friend and I went out to celebrate my best friends birthday, but she had really wanted to go ice skating so that is what my friend and I did… I did not ice skate & neither did one of my friends but my friend and I did stand outside by the railing to

Four More of These Babies to go & Then I’m Getting Some Sun

Four More of These Babies to go & Then I’m Getting Some Sun

It is unquestionably nice outside & I want to get some color, so I am going to knock out a few more of these & then my buddy and I will head out & kneel in my beach chair. I assume I could also write outside in the sunshine if I turn the brightness up

Auto Heating plus A/C nightmare

Auto Heating plus A/C nightmare

I recently travelled about 4 hours away to meet my sibling because her kids were coming to my home to vacation for the summer, and now keep in mind that my buddy and I live in the Northeast where Summers can be either genuinely frosty or genuinely hot, so I wasn’t sure what to tell

I labor as a furnace repair specialist in Terrell TX

I labor as a furnace repair specialist in Terrell TX

Living here in this community is just something that I feel like I should do. For the past several years, I have been toiling as a furnace repair specialist down here in Terrell, TX. I know that sounds like an unusual sort of work to have, because all the people don’t guess that you even

Getting the odor of burnt cookies out with the ventilation system

Getting the odor of burnt cookies out with the ventilation system

Once the odor was gone, I made another batch and watched them actually closely. My least number one holiday is coming up soon. This holiday might be Valentine’s afternoon. I have never genuinely been a giant fan of it. I still care about it because it is a holiday though. My guy wants to do

I was looking for furnace repair in Terrell, TX last week

I was looking for furnace repair in Terrell, TX last week

I was looking for furnace repair in Terrell, TX last year because my friend and I tore up our sectional sofa whenever my friend and I were moving it from one part of the condo to another; My associate and I had decided that my friend and I wanted to make our home office into

Teaching & temperature

Teaching & temperature

One thing that I have learned from being a instructor is that the temperature of a classroom is something that has a big impact on the way students learn & behave throughout the day. When students are too cold during the day, they tend to become more whiney & complain about everything. When the classroom

Never would have thought my heater broke down from igniter concerns

Never would have thought my heater broke down from igniter concerns

Then, you know it is in enjoyable hands I have been slammed with work lately. I am in my final year of university. This consists of me student teaching, but while it is nice to not have any classes, it is not nice to have the work I have now! Now I have to study

Medical test facility closed unexpectedly

Medical test facility closed unexpectedly

I work as a professional for a local MRI/X Ray clinic, however when I graduated from school I was glad to find a task so quickly, but the location, pay, hours were perfect for me. I have worked there for almost six years so I was surprised last monthwhen my friend and I got notice

Beachside Paradise

Beachside Paradise

Our friends, Steve and Malory, invited us to go on vacation with them last summer. I am not really one to enjoy laying in the sun and enjoying the salt air, but my husband really wanted to go so I agreed to go along. I pictured torcherous days of dealing with heat and humidity but

Ice skating and having a nice locale to sizzling up from the cold

Ice skating and having a nice locale to sizzling up from the cold

Recently we made the choice to go out to celebrate my best friends birthday. She had undoubtedly wanted to go ice skating so that is what we did, however i did not ice skate and neither did one of my friends but we did stand outside by the railing to watch them, however they would

Ice skating and having a nice place to sizzling up from the cold

Ice skating and having a nice place to sizzling up from the cold

They were truly smart to have a space for people to heat up in the truly frosty hot and cold temperatures Recently we made the choice to go out to celebrate my best friends anniversary, he had really wanted to go ice skating so that is what we did. I did not ice skate and

Wood Burning Stoves and Gas Fireplaces are a Thing of My Past

Wood Burning Stoves and Gas Fireplaces are a Thing of My Past

I’ve become more nostalgic as time goes on and as more of my life is in the rearview mirror. I still look forward to fine times in the future however a lot of my life has passed me by and I like to reminisce about it from time to time. I say a lot of

Thinking of my Dad & Her aged Oil Furnace in the Basement

Thinking of my Dad & Her aged Oil Furnace in the Basement

Dad ran an Heating & Air Conditioning corporation for a few years with Danny, who was a heating & cooling representative, & they did a lot of Heating & Air Conditioning repairs around the town. My dad had an aged oil boiler in her basement that my buddy and I would go work on now

Wanting radiant flooring in my future home

Wanting radiant flooring in my future home

There are some things that I am not sure of in life. However there is one thing I am legitimately sure of. When I get a little older & have a little bit more money & when I buy a dwelling I want one thing. The one thing that I want to install is radiant

I tripped over my husband’s heater and broke my leg

I tripped over my husband’s heater and broke my leg

I tend to be a bit of a clutz, but I swear that my husband purposely leaves things out just to try and make me trip on them so that he can get a good laugh. I cannot tell you how many times I have tripped over my husband’s shoes. He gets home from work

Sitting in a Beach Chair in the Warm Sun at my Aunt’s House

Sitting in a Beach Chair in the Warm Sun at my Aunt’s House

My life is so weird from most people in this town. I live on the Spanish coast as well as basically have nothing to my name as far as material things go, and all of my friends have houses, cars, boats, as well as all kinds of stuff, but genuinely little free time to relax

Writing HVAC Technology Articles in the Warm Sunshine

Writing HVAC Technology Articles in the Warm Sunshine

Well, they don’t call it the Sunshine State for nothing. I’m sitting out in the warm sun on the 29th of December and feel like I need a fan next to me, as it is so warm out. I’m off of this writing job for the next few days, but I want to stay ahead

Waiting room sweat shop

Waiting room sweat shop

My spouse became ill recently plus after a few mornings decided that she entirely should go to the healthcare expert… She normally refuses to go so when she asks for me to take him I did not hesitate. I knew she had been running a fever for a few mornings plus wasn’t able to keep

A Simple Life With a Simple HVAC System to Keep me Comfortable

A Simple Life With a Simple HVAC System to Keep me Comfortable

This is a slow week with my writing job as it is the Christmas holidays and we have a week off, but I am still writing some each day to try and keep ahead of the game. I’m not writing as much as I normally do each day but I am going to have a

My ex guy complained about the temperature too much

My ex guy complained about the temperature too much

Recently I started seeing this up-to-date boy. We had went out a few afternoons. However after a few afternoons I had broken up with her. I did tell his that this relationship was going to go nowhere. The main reason that I was turned off by his was his issue with a Heating and A/C

I Love the Sound of Trains in the Distance as I Sit Here Writing

I Love the Sound of Trains in the Distance as I Sit Here Writing

A train just blasted its horn, or whistle, & it reminds me of being a kid at my gramps lake apartment a long time ago. This train is just passing by now & I can hear the sound of it on the tracks, which tells me that it is pretty close to the apartment where

Making a mistake hiring a friend to build an addition

Making a mistake hiring a friend to build an addition

Our plans to build a small addition onto our home went horribly wrong very quickly. With no experience in new construction, my husband and I trusted a friend of ours who claimed to be knowledgeable. He told us that he’d built houses from the ground up multiple times. He said that he’d worked with numerous

Choosing a hybrid heating system

Choosing a hybrid heating system

Living in Ashtabula, Ohio, we experience four distinct seasons. The summers tend to be hot and humid with temperatures in the high eighties or even low nineties. The winter brings snow and below-freezing conditions. The fall and spring are unpredictable. We often get hit with high winds and rainstorms. For the majority of the year,

One of the worst jobs I could imagine

One of the worst jobs I could imagine

Growing up were told that my associate and I can do just about anything my associate and I put our minds to, or at least in most cases. Hard labor & perseverance or working hard to get a quality education can go a long way in our work choices. I have decided that one of

I purchased a entirely  sizable propane fireplace from a friend

I purchased a entirely sizable propane fireplace from a friend

I have always been quite sensitive to aromas. It makes doing just about anything or going just about someplace entirely difficult! Sometimes, I have to leave stores or weird peoples’ homes because of strong aromas, but they just make me really sick, & I entirely can’t help it. I believe I made a mistake in

I want to get rid of my gas furnace for two giant reasons

I want to get rid of my gas furnace for two giant reasons

I am a single mom. I worry about my children a lot. I worry when they are not property on time. I worry about them playing athletic interests. There is just one thing I want plus that is to control them. I want to tell them what to do. That way, I could never worry

My boiler is not working

My boiler is not working

I have been having heating issues in my home for so several years, but it is honestly no fun at all. I am sick of having to worry about my household being cold! My boiler died on me about three years ago, plus ever since then, it has been quite a battle to keep my

Having to wear layers outside

Having to wear layers outside

It helps me to ensure that it is not going to break down One thing I hate about the winter time is having to wear a ton of layers. I hate having to wear layers in the winter time. I hate having to figure out what clothes will go together. I hate having to figure

I lost my heater while I was cleaning out my attic

I lost my heater while I was cleaning out my attic

I am really worried with myself for losing my space heater. I have used the same space heater every single winter season for the past ten years. It worked so well, & I really enjoyed that little space heater. I have tried using one of the newer space heaters, & it just didn’t compare to

I lost my heater while I was cleaning out my attic

I lost my heater while I was cleaning out my attic

I am really upset with myself for losing my space heater. I have used the same space heater every single winter for the past ten years. It worked so well, and I really loved that little space heater. I have tried using one of the newer space heaters, and it just didn’t compare to my

New Heating, Ventilation, and A/C in the office

New Heating, Ventilation, and A/C in the office

I ran into my bosses office, frantic and hopeful at the same time for the current year, but everyone in our office knows that the current year means a current budget! Some people in the office think that my friend and I need current chairs while others employees would vote for a current scanner. I

Starting over with new residential Heating as well as A/C

Starting over with new residential Heating as well as A/C

It’s never easy when a family comes apart. Honestly, that was the last thing I thought would ever happen to us. But life swings as well as people change. However, it’s strenuous to guess that my wifey as well as I are now divorced as well as I’m starting over. We met inside the radiant

New year and new decisions with my HVAC system

New year and new decisions with my HVAC system

As a new year’s resolution I decided to do things this year that would help me to better myself. For every decision I make this year, I want to make it so that I can thank myself for it. I want to make my life better and healthier for me. My first decision was to

I Love the Sound of Trains in the Distance as I Sit Here Writing

I Love the Sound of Trains in the Distance as I Sit Here Writing

A train just blasted its horn, or whistle, and it reminds me of being a kid at my gramps lake house a long time ago. This train is just passing by now and I can hear the sound of it on the tracks, which tells me that it is pretty close to the house where